Loretta Alceste 8 BIGELOW

Greenwood Cemetery; Decatur, Macon County, Illinois

12169.414    Loretta Alceste 8 BIGELOW, dau of Augustus S. 7 ( Samuel 6 , Jonathan 5, Jonathan 4 , Jonathan 3,Jonathan2, John1) and Martha (HURLBURT) BIGELOW, was born  07 January 1851 Streetsobro, Ohio. She married in Kent, OH, 03 February 1869 Frank M. Kelso. He was born in April of 1849, the son of James Christian and Nancy M. (Shuman) Kelso. He died 23 Nov 1911 (aged 62) in Decatur. (see below)
Loretta died 26 April 1938 (aged 87) Decatur, Macon County, IL.(More)

Children of Frank and Loretta (Bigelow) Kelso:

12169.4141     Frank A. Kelso, b  1871; d 20 Jul 1900 (aged 28–29); died at the family residence on North Clinton street on Friday,July 20, age 33 years. The young man was formerly a brakeman and worked out of Decatur, being then well known here to men in that business. Recently he has lived in the west and southwest. He came home in ill health several weeks ago, hoping to recuperate but despite tender care and nursing he gradually sank until his death occurred Friday.(see stone)

12169.4142     George B. Kelso, b  02 Nov 1872; d 05 Sept 1945 (aged 72) m (1) 1892 Catherine Maher; dau Grace Kelso; m (2) 1897 Marie L. Traub; 4 children;

12169.4143     Ada Martha Kelso, b  06 Aug 1875; d 09 Oct 1911 (aged 36); m 03 June 1901 Charles B. Seaton (1868-1930); 4 children;

12169.4144     Bertha May Kelso, b  14 Oct 1877 Dayton, OH; d 06 Mar 1948 (aged 70) IL; m Fred M. Ives (b 10 Aug 1871 Wapella, IL; d 26 Feb 1950 (aged 78)Decatur, IL;

Bigelow Family Genealogy Volume. II page ;
Howe, Bigelow Family of America;
Find a Grave

frank kelso

Frank H Kelso, old Wabash conductor, leading Odd Fellow and Interesting character, died suddenly at 8:15 Thursday
night In his home, 1005 North Clinton, as the result of an illness from kidney and heart trouble and its resulting
dropsical affection. Over a year ago it was first noticed
that he was affected with kidney trouble, but he did not begin to have the care of a physician until last June.
For the last six weeks he has been confined to his home, but since Sunday had been feeling so well that he expected
to go down town Thursday afternoon, only the cold weather preventing him from making the trip.
He was feeling very well Thursday, and that night, after finishing supper, sat down to play a game of solitaire.
A young man friend came in to spend the evening, and they had just finished two games. "The game stands four and three," said Mr. Kelso leaning back in his
chair. His partner looked up to see him gasping. He was dead before anyone could reach him. While death was sudden,
the physician had warned his family that he would die In just that way, and it was expected.
Frank M. Kelso was born at Stow, Summit county, O, April 15, 1849. His father was a farmer, born, reared and
residing on hie birthplace for seventy-two years until his death. Mr. Kelso resided in Ohio, about his home, until
1887, engaged in railroading when a young man. He was for many years on the old A. G & W.. road, a broad gauge road. Later It was taken over by the Erie system and made a standard guage, Mr. Kelso having charge of the first train that was run over it. The train was run from Galion to Dayton.
In 1887 he left Ohio and came to Litchfield where he was first employed by the Wabash. Six months later of
the same year, he came to Decatur, where he has resided since. For the first two or three weeks of his employment
on the Wabash he was a brakeman but was quickly promoted to
a conductor. He was a freight conductor all the time. He was sick during the active part of the '04 strike, but in
November of that year he left the service of the road. He never railroaded again. For a time he ran a blacksmith
shop, later he was a lock salesman, and for a time he dabbled in insurance. On Feb. 3, 1869, he married Miss
Loretta Bigelow at Kent. O. He is survived by her and the following chidren: Clarence A. of this city. George
B. of Peoria and Mrs. Fred Ives of this city,
One daughter. Mrs. Ada M. Seaton died six weeks ago, and a son died eleven years ago. Mr. Kelso was a member of a family of fourteen children, seven boys and seven girls and
he has several surviving sisters and brothers. They are Mrs. Lorinda Shirtliff, of Kent, O ; Mrs. Elsie Harvey,
Kent. O., Mrs. Fidelia Holcomb. Kent, O.: Mrs. Ida Tibbels, Grand Forks, N.D.: and C. H. Kelso. of Cleveland. O. There are also eleven surviving grandchildren.
Mr. Kelso is remembered best as a lodge man. He joined Kenwood Division. No. 74. Order of Railway Conductors.
Just as soon as he was set up on the Wabash, that was twenty-four years ago and he was a member to the time of his death. For many years he was secretary and held other important offices in the division. Over thirty years ago he joined the Royal Arcanum and eighteen years was
collector for that order. At the time of his death he was a member of Macon Council No. 1880.
He is best remembered as a member of the Odd Fellows. At the time of his death, he was a member of the degree
staff of Celestial Lodge No. 186, a member of Decatur Encampment No 37 and during the last year of his life has been treasurer of Decatur Canton No. 29 Patriarchs Militant. As a member of the degree team of Celestial Lodge No 186, he held the position of inner guardian, and as such was unanimously pronounced the best inner guard of the state. He held the position for a number of years and always his step, and work in connection with that position brought forth applause. Frank Torrence, city park superintendent, came from the same vicinity of Mr. Kelso. and the two spent much of their early lives together. In Ohio Mr. Torrence and Mr. Kelso used to work on the same engine on a narrow guage railroad, and one of the favorite stories told by Mr. Kelso was how they would run the engine along for a while, then climb out, take wood off a convenient wood pile, pile it in the furnace, go a few miles, then get out and repeat the process. The park superintendent and Mr. Kelso could spend a whole afternoon talking about interesting things in their early life. The funeral will be held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon at the residence. It will be in charge of I. O. O. F. lodge No. 186. Celestial lodge No. 186 will meet at 1:15 sharp Sunday afternoon at the hall on East Main street to attend the funeral. All visiting Odd Fellows and members of Decatur lodge No. 65 are invited.
Decatur, IL Review Nov 24, 1911 p16

Note 2023:
I am a descendant of Lorretta Bigelow, who married Frank Kelso in Portage County, Ohio. Lorretta’s father was Augustus, who was a son of Samuel. Frank and Loretta had a son, George, who married Catherine Maher in Decatur, IL and had my grandmother, Grace Kelso. I’ve been engaged in genealogy research for about six years and am focusing on Bigelow and Kelso surnames now.
Jonathan Gobert   < j_gobert@msn.com >
1011 Meadowlark Drive
Carterville, IL 62918
Find a Grave info;
Herald & Review 4/27/1938

Funeral services for Mrs. Loretta A. Kelso,87 a resident of Decatur for 50 years who died yesterday will be tomorrow and burial in the Greenwood cemetery. She had been a member of Progress Rebekah Lodge No. 141 for 45 years and a charter member of Stella division Auxiliary of Railway Conductors and Ladies Auxiliary No23 of Patriachs Militant.

Born Jan. 7, 1851 in Streetsobro,Ohio she was the daughter of Augustus and Martha Bigelow. She was the last of her family. She was married to Frank M. Kelso in Kent,Ohio,Feb. 3,1869 and came to Decatur from there. Mr.Kelso died Nov. 23, 1911.

She leaves two children,George B.,Peoria and Mrs. Bertha Ives,Decatur,three others have died,12 grandchildren, 11 great grandchildren.

Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947 about Loretta A. Kelso
Name: Loretta A. Kelso
[Loretta A. Bigelow]
Birth Date: 7 Jan 1851
Birth Place: Streetsboro, Ohio
Death Date: 26 Apr 1938
Death Place: Decatur, Macon, Ill
Burial Date: 28 Apr 1938
Burial Place: Decatur, Macon, Illinois
Cemetery Name: Greenwood
Death Age: 87
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: W
Gender: Female
Residence: Decatur, Decatur, Macon, Illinois
Father Name: Augustus Bigelow
Father Birth Place: Conn.
Mother Name: Martha Huburt
Mother Birth Place: Cape May, New Jersey
Spouse Name: Frank M. Kelso
Comments: 50 years at place where death occurred.

Rod Bigelow
Box 13  Chazy Lake
Dannemora, N.Y. 12929