George Washington 9 BIGELOW

Brown Cemetery; Elizabethtown, Hardin County, KY
16314.8111 George
Washington 9 BIGELOW, son of David E. 8 (
Alfred 7 ,
Joseph 6 , Ezra 5 ,David 4,Lt. John3, Joshua2, John1) BIGELOW and
Mary Elizabeth (BURKS) (HUMPHREY) BIGELOW was born 07
January 1850 in Hardin co, KY. He married 09 November 1879 Sarah
Ann Royalty of Meade, Westpointe co, KY. She was born in Sep of
1852, the dau of Thomas Sanders & Delilah (Burris) Royalty.
Sarah died 26 Apr 1921 (aged 68) Jefferson County, KY. George died
03 September 1917 Elizabethtown, Hardin co, KY.
Children of George Washington and Sarah Ann (Royalty) Bigelow:
16314.81111 Alfred Thomas, b 16 Oct
1875 Elizabethtown, Hardin co, KY; d 16 Sep 1959 (aged 83) Hardin
County, Kentucky; m Nellie Daney and 4 others; 7 children.
16314.81112 Samuel David, b 20
May 1879 Elizabethtown, Hardin co, KY; d 13 Nov 1944 Louisville,
Jefferson co, KY; m 24 Apr 1909 Renia Jane Thompson in
Jeffersonville, Clark co, IN; (Jun. 15, 1885-Aug. 6, 1965). 7
children known: (see below)
a. Samuel David
Bigelow, jr, b 5 nov 1909 Elizabethtown; d _____ ; m 25 June 1938
Gertrude Gwendolyn Weber; 1 child: Nancy Leotta Bigelow, b 02 Apr
1939 Louisville, KY; m Henry Lewis Humes;
b. Earl
Bigelow, b 06 Nov 1911 Elizabethtown, KY ; d ____ ; m 15 May 1937
Mildred Schehr; 5 Children: David Lee , Joseph Earl, Mary Lou,
Larry Stephen and Paul Leslie Bigelow, (see
c. Grover Bigelow Sr.,
b 07 Aug 1913 Elizabethtown, Hardin co, KY; d 21 May 1954
Louisville, Jefferson co, KY;
m 24 Aug 1935
Marcella Naomi Owens at Jeffersonville, Clark co, IN (see below)
d. Cylvesta Bigelow, b 11 Sept 1915
Elizabethtown; d _____ ; m Alton Marcum; (see below)
e. Ora "Oray"
Bell Bigelow, b 24 Apr 1917 ; d 10 Mar 1967 (aged 49); m Norman
Dixon (1913- 01 Feb 1968 Louisville, KY) 6 children known;
Lawrence Bigelow, b 22 Mar 1919 ; d 11 May 1996 (aged 77) KY; m
Evelyn Mae Dixon (1920-1994);
Louise Bigelow, b 16 Dec 1921 ; d 23 Oct 2008 (aged 86) Louisville,
KY; m (1) Louis Beckmann; m (2) Joseph M. French (1927-2019)
16314.81113 Elizabeth Jane
"Lizzie", b 30 Jan 1886 ; d 01 May 1968 (aged 82) Hardin
County, KY; m 1908 George Hillery Sherrard (1878-1959).
16314.81114 Margaret Ellen, b ___ ;
d _____ ; m ____ Dietz
16314.81115 Sallie "Sally" Bell,
b 25 Sep 1883 Elizabethtown, KY; d 10 Dec 1944 (aged 61)
Louisville, Jefferson co, KY; m John H. Humphrey.
Bigelow Society,The Bigelow Family Genealogy Vol II, pg 503;
child 16314.6111.
marriage records Hardin co., KY;
cemetery inscriptions Hardin co.;
death record W. F. Bigelow;
U. S. censuses; correspondence.
Subject: David E. Bigelow
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 21:54:20 EDT
From: Michael Bigelow
Per your request, just wanted to pass along a link problem for the
item listed below.
Alfred 7 son of Joseph 6 ( Ezra 5 ,David 4, Lt. John3, Joshua2,
I was trying to link to David, E and got the linkage message.
Thanks. Michael Bigelow
e-mail 1998 from Michael Bigelow, 6269 Egypt Valley Ave., NE,
Rockford,MI 49341
Wrote him to check line - has Alfred as father of Joseph "or Enos"
but Alfred and Joseph are brothers--line is John, Joshua, John,
David,Ezra, Joseph, Alfred,David, George.W., Samuel, Elar,
David,Michael--added Earl, David and Michael.
Descendant note: Michael
Bigelow email
I just located your article of Ezra 5 Bigelow and
I believe I am a direct decendant of him - information I received
from Pat Bigelow in 1984. Where things tend to be a little
gray is with one of his sons (either Enos or Joseph). Do you
have any additional information on them? In particular, I am
trying to determine which gentleman is the father of Alfred Bigelow
(1795-1860's). Alfred married Susanna Murlin and lived in
Again, just wanted to say hello and I appreciated your
information/article on Ezra.
Michael Bigelow email
6269 Egypt Valley Ave., NE
Rockford, MI 49341.
Answer: Alfred 7Bigelow
16314.61 (should be 16314.81) is listed on page 239 as the son of
Joseph 6, Ezra 5 etc.; but no extra info on
Joseph......ROD 6/15/98
Subject: David E. Bigelow, etc
Date: 06/10/2005
From: Carolyn Bigelow Hiemer < >
Here is my lineage:
1 John Biglo b Feb 16, 1617 Wrentham Parish, Suffolk Co
2 Joshua Bigelow b Nov 5, 1655 Watertown, Middlesex Co MA
3 Lt. John Bigelow b Dec 20. 1681 Watertown, Middlesex Co MA
4 David Bigelow b Sept 22, 1706 Hartford, Hartford Co CT
5 Ezra Bigelow b Apr 10, 1736 Colchester, New London Co CT
6 Joseph Bigelow b 1776 Colchester, New London Co CT; d 1810
Colchester, New London Co CT; m Anna McCall
7 Alfred Bigelow b 1795 Colchester, New London Co CT; d about
1816 IL?;m Susanna Murlin Hardin Co KY
8 David E. Bigelow b 1823 Indiana died or disappeared 1850; m
Mary Elizabeth (Burk) Humphrey March 6, 1849 Rineyville, KY
9 George Washington Bigelow b Jan 7, 1850 Hardin Co KY; d Sept
3, 1917 Elizabethtown, Hardin Co KY; m Sarah Ann Royalty Nov 9, 1879
Hardin Co KY
10 Samuel David Bigelow b May 20, 1879 Elizabethtown, Hardin Co KY;
d Nov 13, 1944 Louisville, Jefferson Co KY; m Renia Jane Thompson
Apr 18, 1909 Jeffersonville, Clark Co IN
11 Grover Bigelow Sr. b Aug 7, 1913
Elizabethtown, Hardin Co KY; d May 21, 1954 Louisville, Jefferson Co
KY; m Marcella Naomi Owens Aug 24,1935 Jeffersonville, Clark Co IN
12 Carolyn Ann Bigelow b Mar 20, 1944 Louisville, Jefferson Co KY; m
Arthur Thomas Hiemer Aug 26, 1966 Louisvile, Jefferson Co KY
This is me. I live in Friendswood,
TX outside of Houston.
I am lacking in information about Alfred, and David E.
Bigelow. Do you have any information about these fellows or
their families? Thank you for all I have learned from your
site about the old folks. If you want everything I have on my
line like children, occupations, etc, I will be happy to share with
Thanks, Carolyn Bigelow Hiemer
More from Carolyn:
PAF Note:
Fairview Cemetery, McDonald Cemetery, Hardin co. 6/4/2001 Rt. 67
south of Kenton, OH, Lewis Thompson 1883-1905, with Clark Thompson
1882-1900, Co. L, 19 Inf P.I. Lewis was GAR Co.I, O.N.G.
Many in this county came from Hardin co., KY.
Lewis Thompson Bigelow, b 15 June 1855??? Hardin co, KY; d
__ ; m Betty Bush
New 01/02/06:
FROM: Lee Ann Hager
Hello Mr. Bigelow,
My name is Lee Ann Hager and I have been researching some of my family history. It seems our lines share a common thread as my great grandparents are Samuel David and Renia Jane Bigelow.
I had run into lots of difficulty with the Bigelow line as my grandmother, Cylvesta Bigelow Marcum, could not remember much about her grandparents other than their names. I was very excited to see your page and be able to contact some folks who left information.
I was curious. Some of the postings mentioned articles on certain Bigelow family members. I am guessing that the information included on the site is what is in the bound books. Sorry for my confusion.
I guess my only question at this point (other than to say a big THANKS!) is to ask if any more information has been discovered about Renia Jane Thompson? Likewise, I have information on Samuel and Renia's children both from my grandmother and from the 1930 US census (you have listed three children, but I'm not sure Lewis is one of them):
Sons: Samuel, Earl, Grover, Lawrence and daughters: Cylvesta, Oray, and Virginia.
My grandmother is Cylvesta. I'm wondering if your reference to Lewis Thompson could be Renia Jane's father as his name was Lewis Thompson and his mother was named Betty (information from my grandmother).
However, I do not have Betty's maiden name. Could this be they Betty Lee Bush you mentioned?
Again, any information is appreciated.
Lee Ann Hager
Modified - 0/15/2022
(c) Copyright 2011 Bigelow Society, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Rod Bigelow - Director
Rod Bigelow (Roger Jon12 BIGELOW)
Box 13 Chazy Lake
Dannemora, N.Y. 12929