Samuel 7 BIGELOW

1592C.13      Samuel 7 BIGELOW, son of Ebenezer 6Amasa 5 , Isaac 4, Isaac 3, Samuel 2, John1 and Ann (RAND) BIGELOW, was born in Canning, Nova Scotia in 1808; possibly Cornwallis,N.S. (possibly England) He married Rebecca Cox 30 July 1832. She was born 8 Nov 1807,the daughter of John and Lucy (Harris) Cox. She died 15 January 1872 . He also was reported to have married Susanna Barkwell on 30 July 1832. Susannah Barkwill, Bap: 31 May 1807; was born in Devon, England to John Barkwell and Elizabeth Wonnacote who married 1786 in Holsworth Devon, England.  Mary Ward Barkwill b.30 January 1829 in England, Christened 23 February 1829 at Hosworthy Devon, Eng. Susannah Barkwill in England.  Susannah married Samuel Bigelow at St. James Anglican Church, Port Hope, Ontario July 30, 1832. He signed Bigelow and she signed with a x.  After her marriage, her daughter's name became Mary Ann Bigelow--legally or not we don't know. Susanna reported as dying in 1851. Residence Port Hope, Ontario in 1820's. Much confusion on this Samuel as reported below. He died 06 June 1875.
 Samuel Bigelow, b 1808 probably England, d 15 Oct 1857?? by drowning in his own mill pond, m ca 1830 Susannah           _____, also believed b England and who d 1851; res. Port Hope, Ontario in 1820's, 1880 in Holland, Manitoba; both are buried St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Elizabethville, Ontario; Samuel's occupation was a sawyer; 6 children:
This Samuel, could be related to one or the other of the Johns, who were born in England, this Samuel, son of Ebenezer, was said to be childless.

Children of Samuel and ????:

1592C.131     Mary Ann, b 30 Jan 1829 England; d 05 Jan 1905 Sparrow Lake, Simcoe, Ont.; bur. St. Luke's Cern., Hamlet, Ontario; m 24 June 1848 at Port Hope, Durham, Ontario William Palmer, b 30 Jan 1819 d 02 May 1883 Millbrook, Ont.; 9 children; Bigelow library has this additional information:
1. Thomas Palmer, b 07 Oct 1850; d 28 Aug 1881; m Louise ____ ;
2. Jane Palmer, b 08 May 1853; d 28 Jan 1893; m Alex Scott;
3. Elizabeth Palmer, b 18 Feb 1855; d _____ ; m (1) Frank Falls; m (2) Richard Holland;
4. Enoch Palmer, b 14 Dec 1858; d _____ ; m ____ Skinner;
5. Mary Palmer, b 08 Mar 1861; d _____ ; m ____ Skinner (brother of above)

1592C.132     Samuel, b 19 July 1833; d 03 April 1913; m (1) 06 May 1861 Mary Brice, b 1828 Ireland, dgtr. of Thomas Brice; (2) on 04 Nov 1868 Letitia Sharp b 1844 Ontario, dgtr. of Thomas and Jane ( __ ) Sharp; 3 children:
              1.     Avalina, b 26 Jan 1870 Cavan Twp., Durham, Ontario; d _____ ;
              2.     Harry, b  _____ ; d 1956 Toronto; had son Ernest a res of Toronto.
              3.     Louise, b ____ ; d _____ ;

1592C.133     Charles, b 1837. no record after 1851 (see below)

1592C.134     a dgtr.; C~(not legible), b 1839.

1592C.135     John, b 10 Sept 1841 Hope Twp., Durham, Ont.; d 10 Sept 1930 Bethany, Durham, Ont.; m 27 Feb 1862 Hope, Ont.; Mary Coleman, b 21 July 1844 Cavan, Twp.; d 14 Feb 1892 Bethany; she dgtr. of George and Isabella ( __ )Coleman; 7 children:

1592C.136?   Richard R., b 1843 Ontario; d 1917 in Jackson co. Iowa, m Sarah A. Liston (1860-1918. (see below)

1592C.137     William Henry, b 0l June 1844 Hope, Durham, Ontario; d 06 Dec 1913 Holland, Manitoba, bur. Brookdale cem., Holland; m 1864 Mary Palmer, b 12 June 1844, Hope, d 03 March 1938 Holland, Manitoba, she dgtr. of Mathew and Thomaszin (Bullied) Palmer; 9 children with more detailed information on this family in Bigelow Society Library:
              1.     Jane, b 1864, m twice, 1 son.
              2.     Susan, b 04 Aug 1866; d 28 Sept 1949; m James Armstrong; 3 sons.
              3.     Elias John, b 17 Mar 1868; d 30 Nov 1930; m 1893 Elsie Jane Gates, b 1873, d 24 Dec 1953;
                      8 sons and 3 dgtrs.
              4.     Samuel Edwin, b 05 April 1870; d 04 Feb 1951 Winnipeg; m Dec 1892. Elizabeth, b 04 April 1872.
              5.     Emma Tamezine, b 11 May 1873.
              6.     Laura Louise, b 02 July 1876.
              7.     William Charles, b 20 Nov 1882.
              8.     Simeon, b 1885.

Bigelow Society,The Bigelow Family Genealogy, Vol II, pg 525; #1592C.13 may not be accurate because Samuel 7 not traced.
Howe, Bigelow Family of America;
family records of descendants.
Samuel and Rebecca did not have any living children.  He left all of his estate and farm in Blomidon to siblings and nieces and nephews.  Temporarily left as is with two marriages for Samuel until more information is located.
(See Cox pg. 4 of info. from Lorna Evans, Kings Co. Hist. Soc. 2/22/1997) but the following letter questions whether he had children by his first marriage:
Robert Bigelow died 7 Nov 1830 at 2 years of age (same Anglican Archives below) and Betty's Mary Ann said her birthday was 30 Jan 1829.
Disconnected lines, page 525 of Bigelow Book, Volume II says Samuel born 1808,  died "by drowning in his own mill pond--
-which was discounted by family members as untrue. Betty Watson writes 9 Apr 1997 that "Samuel married daughter of John & Elizabeth Wannacot Barkwell who were married at Holsworth Devon Mar.26, 1786--Susanna was Susanna Barkwell, mar. at St. James Anglican church, Port Hope, Ontario, on July 30, 1832.  Information from Anglican Church Archives, Toronto, ON.  He signed "Biglow" and she signed "X".  I checked IGI for Barkwells and found Susanna was christened at Milton Demerel, Devon, England May 31, 1807, father John Barkwell, mother Elizabeth Wonnacot who were married at Holsworth Devon March 26, 1786. My Mary Ann said her birthday was Jan. 30, 1829.  In the IGII found Mary Ward Barkwill christened February 23, 1829 at Hosworthy Devon, mother - Susanna Barkwill.  What do you think????  From the same Anglican  Archives I received burial notice for Robert Bigelow, two years of age, November 7, 1830.  Since I have never seen any record of Bigelows prior to that date in that area, I think this might be from Samuel's first marriage.
Have you ever checked marriage records in Kentville NS?  I see Skinners on this chart of Samuels. I have Skinner genealogy back to 1600's in Malden, MA - Thomas Skinner who had a grandson Ebenezer on my charts.  A Skinner married one of Mary Ann's daughters!
I would like to hear your comments now and see where you think I should go from here.  Betty."

A later letter from another member of this family stated that some of the family wanted nothing to do with the idea that Mary Ann was not a Bigelow.

From Ann Bigelow, editor of Forge, also searching for Samuel, born 1808, but sends the following:

Samuel Bigelow b. 28 Jul 1808, Cornwallis, NS; d. 6 Jun 1875; married Rebecca M. Cox, b. 8 Nov 1807; d. 15 Jan 1872, d/o John & Lucy (Harris) Cox.  It seems Samuel and Rebecca had no children as in his will, Samuel left all his estate and farm in Blomidon to nieces and nephews.
"So this can't be my Samuel.  Perhaps you can update your info on the database to reflect the above.  I can give you the sources if you want.  I am beginning to despair we will ever find Samuel of Port Hope's parents.
Anyway, have to start from scratch again.  Thanks again, Anne Bigelow"

Forge, July 1997, p. 56 correction 1592C.13 Samuel Bigelow, different death date has shown up: 6 Jun 1875.  Rebecca's mother's maiden name:  Harris. Left account as is for now, having entered what we have and sent originals to Guy.  But leaving it with a question mark in our records until further updates.

4 May 1998, Don Bigelow of Grand Rapids wrote Una Cook, 14300 Trillium Blvd., SE #29, Mill Creek, WA 98012, asking for roots for database etc.  Her reply:
"I am Linda Bigelow Hearn's sister.  She has article on page 30 of the latest Forge.  We have one other sister, Billie Bigelow Stanley.  Our father was Victor Bigelow (Samuel Edwin, William Henry, Samuel) so far that's the best we can do.  We have not been able to tie Samuel to John Biglo.  Hope this is sufficient........regards, Una Cook".

See Betty Watson file.....cousin of Anne Bigelow (Forge ed.) and relative of Linda Hearn.
Subject: Bigelows
Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 10:59:31 -0500
From: Jack  >
     Wondering if you have any information on a Richard R. Biglow, born somewhere in Canada 1843, died 1917 in Jackson Co. Iowa, married a Sarah Liston.. I just got back from Iowa and found the grave, and that he was born in Canada, any help you can give me see photo of grave.Somewhere between his death and my grandfather the (e) was attached to Bigelow
More from Jack:
Looking for information on a Richard Bigelow. He was born somewhere in Canada Oct, 20th 1843. He married Sarah Liston. Richard and Sarah lived and died in Jackson CO. Iowa. Richard was a blacksmith and served in the Civil War.
Richards Father "name unknown was killed in a indian Masscure in 1849 on his way to the gold rush.
Thanks Jack Bigelow..I have placed Richard here for now until more evidence.....ROD 9/24/99.

Charles Bigelow:
Your quest for Charles Bigelow, born in Canada is noted. I have in my data file a Charles Bigelow, born in Hope Twp.,
Ontario, Canada on 22 Feb 1838. Father is Samuel Bigelow (1808-1857). Mother is Susannah Barkwell (1807-1851).
Children of these parents are: Mary Ann(1829-1905), Samuel(1833-1913), Charles(1838-?), C(a female)(1839-?),
John(1841-1930), William(1844-1913). The last record I have of Charles is the 1851 Hope Twp. census where he was
enumerated with his family. Family recollections are that he went to the USA & nothing more has ever been heard of him.
Possibly you have dates which could tie into my birth date which has been confirmed from church records.
Hope this is of some help to you. I look forward to hearing from you.
Robert Bigelow

New Note:
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 06:39:17 -0500
From: "romona" <>
I am looking for info on WILLIAM HENRY JOESPH BIGELOW (born 1838) from
England and who married ELIZABETH BYERS (born 1839) in
Orono, Ontario Canada Their daughter ADELINE BIGELOW (BORN 1858 in
ORONO) married SAMUEL GRIEG WALLACE (born 1854 in
Strathaven Scotland) in Perham Minnesota Thank you Romona
Romona Perkins
630 E 46th Ave
Gary, Ind 46409

Modified - 06/10/2010
(c) Copyright 2010 Bigelow Society, Inc. All rights reserved.
Rod  Bigelow - Director

Rod Bigelow (Roger Jon12 BIGELOW)
Box 13 Chazy Lake
Dannemora, N.Y. 12929
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