Ferrand 7 BIGELOW

Ferrand Bigelow Family (see below)
159B1.17 Ferrand 7
BIGELOW, son of Elisha 6
( Elisha 5 , Elisha 4, Isaac 3, Samuel 2, John1) and Rhoda
(GODDARD) BIGELOW, was born on 11 September 1808 at Reading,
Windsor, VT. He married on 16 October 1836 Caroline M. Hibbard,
daughter of Fredrich Hibbard. She was born at St. Arrans, (Canada), 15
October 1812. As a young man, Ferrand migrated to Eagle, Waukesha, WI
where he settled the remainder of his life. Ferrand and Caroline died
the same year - 1887, she on 10 May and he in
November, both at Eagle. (Howe states his death to be 11 Dec 1886). She
is buried in the Old Cemetery, Eagle and we presume him to be there
Children of Ferrand and Caroline (Hibbard) Bigelow, all born at
Eagle, Waukasha, WI:
159B1.171t Lucia
Ann, b 02 Jan 1839; d 03 Jan 1912 Whiting, Monona, WI; m 17 Aug
1858 James Hopkins; 9 children.
159B1.172t William
Henry, b 13 June 1840; d 16 Sept 1911 Whiting; m 11 July 1868
Alice Betts; 7 children.
159B1.173t Elverton
Pod, 13 Feh 1842; d 23 Nov 1893; m 16 Mar 1868 Mary Jane Betts;
6 children.
159B1.174 Franklin, b 30 Jan 1844; d
30 July 1864 Battle of Petersburgh; unm. (see below)
159B1.175 Orpheus Hibbard, b 27 Sept
1846; 22 March 1921; m 30 Oct 1875 Charlotte Wilford; 4
(see below)
159B1.176 Minerva, b 08 Aug 1849; d 17 Aug
1910; m March 1870 George James, 2 children: Royal and Arch
159B1.177 Arthur, b 30 Oct 1853; d 08 Jan
1856 Eagle.
159B1.178 Sarah, b 24 Jan 1856; d 18
Feb 1930; m James Wilford; 6 children: Linda, Lottie, Fred,
Laura, Sadie and twin son Artie d age 5 and ? d at birth.
William Henry Bigelow "B" and his two younger
brothers, Elverton and Franklin served in the Union Army from
William Henry and Elverton survived, but Franklin did not;
Upon their return to Wisconsin, they married sisters; Alice Marie and
Mary Jane Betts
William enlisted in the Union Army 12 August 1862 and discharged 26
June 1865;
Source of photo and notes from Mildred "Milly" May Fuoss Vance
(great-granddaughter of William Henry)
Bigelow Society,The Bigelow Family Genealogy, Vol II, pg 157;
Howe, Bigelow Family of America;
Histories of Walworth and Waukesha Counties;
marriage records WI;
correspondence with descendants:
John Daniel Parkinson johnparkinson45@aol.com
21 Jan 2011
Hello Rod ;
I live on the
East side of Cleveland,Ohio. I
recently google searched for my great-great
grandfather: Ferrand Bigelow; father of
my great-grandfather Elverton Pod Bigelow. I have
digital photographic images from Feb 2006, see attached files, of
daguerreotype or possibly tin-types (I am not sure which
these are, but both are on thin sheet metal) of
- Ferrand
Bigelow, his wife Caroline Hibbard Bigelow, daughter Lucia Ann Bigelow
(who married Jim Hopkins), and 1st son William Henry
Bigelow. The image was taken after Wm's birth 1840, and
before Elverton's birth in 1842. <circa
- A
small round dark image, about the size of a quarter, of Elverton Pod
Bigelow in his Civil War uniform. <circa
father David Bigelow Parkinson, born in 1911, had these
original images. His sister, my Aunt Ruth Marie Parkinson,
born in Aug 1908, had a photographic picture on paperboard that showed
Elverton's Civil War Unit "in and about the defenses of Washington,
D.C". I am sending you digital images of that image of
Battery A soldiers. My
cousin Bruce Parkinson and his wife Kathy indicated to me that
both Elverton and his older brother Willie (Wm Henry Bigelow) were
in the same artillery group at the same time during the Civil War.
Ruth remembered Elverton is the
third from the right AND his older brother William Henry is second from
the right. The two brothers are standing next to each other in
Ruth's photo image. Both the third from the right (Elverton the
younger brother) and William Henry the second from the right have very
prominent high cheek bones in their faces.This is also
below. David and Ruth Parkinson's mother was Minnie M.
Bigelow. I find the Battery
A image you have posted on line with William Henry Bigelow identified
as the farthest right person ('B') shows a Civil War artillery setting
with 12 attending soldiers. Comparing your on line image with
Ruth's photo image containing 11 attending soldiers; I believe
that Elverton is in the on-your-site artillery emplacement image
standing to the extreme-most left. I can match many of the
other 9 men's faces in Ruth's image as being in common to both the
Battery A images (Yours on line and
Aunt Ruth's). See Page 2
John Daniel
4926 Geraldine Road
Richmond Heights, OH
Bigelows Eagle Wisconsin
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 13:43:31 EST
Bill Hartwell
Last July, I took a trip in my new RV and one of the places I
went was to Eagle Wisconsin to vist the grave of my Granmother on my
Mothers side. Her maiden name was Bessie O. Bigelow. I found the
main Bigleow family headstone
in Eagle's OLD cemetary. The only picture I took was of my Uncle
Moody's grave as he was the only Bigelow I could remember when I was
around seven. I did find my Grandmothers grave in Eagle's Oak Ridge
cemetary. She married a Will Stephens, but he passed away 2 years
before I was born. Thought this might all be of some interest to
you. I know very little
about my Mothers side of the family and am starting to get interested
now that I am retired.
Bill Hartwell
More 04/29/2000
Rhoda Goddard married Elisha Bigelow (great-grandfather and
mother of Sadie) in 1797. She died 1812 and he married second wife
Persis Page. They lived at Reading Vermont.
Children by Rhoda Goddard were:
Franklin Welthea (weld), Lucia (Severance), Crylon or Crilan, and
Ferrand - (grandfather)
Ferrand Bigelow married Caroline Hibbard, October 16th 1836 - children
lived at Reading Vermont and Eagle Wisconsin.
Sarah Bigelow (Mother) - their 8th and youngest child.
See page 118 of my genealogy......Bill Hartwell
Children of Orphus and Charlotte: (from Bigelow Society Library notes)
159B1.1751 Frank, b ____ ; d ____ ;
159B1.1752 Bessie O., b ____ ; d ____ ;
Moodie H., b ____ ; d ____ ;
stone below)(1877-1945)
159B1.1754 Lottie, b ____ ; d ____ ;
The responses below ID these
Subject: Re: Bigelow Eagle Wi
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 13:34:14 EST
From: WHart123@aol.com
Actually I did find my Mothers side of the family listed on your
website under Activity Oct 98.
/fer7b117.htm">Bigelow, Ferrand (7) = fer7b117.htm</A>
I got an email from a Bigelow cousin, who gave me the info.
Subj: Hi Bigelow cousin
Date: 2/18/99 11:03:57 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: wraithp@charter.net (Parkinson)
To: WHart123@aol.com
Hi Bill,
Sure was neat to see the Bigelow headstone on Rod's site. I have
pictures of it also. My husband is dec.
Ferrand-Elverton-Ethel-Gerald Parkinson-Bruce (hubby)
Moody and Bessie were Ferrand's son Orpheus' children. Elverton
was Orpheus older brother. Their sister Sarah married Orpheus wife's
brother James Wilford. I have much on these lines, and am looking
for more, as Bigelow Society wants the Generations down from Ferrand. I
have contact with one of Sarah's desc. and she is in touch with a
Stephens cousin. I will be getting more information from them
also. I would like to gather all Ferrand's line, and then submit
to Big. Soc. If
you can send me gedcom file on your connection, I will credit you as
Kathy Parkinson
wraith@lakefield.net ?? old?
More from Kathy:
Greetings Rod,
It is good to see the Bigelow site up and
running again!
Two of the children of 159B1.17 Ferrand
7 BIGELOW married Wilford siblings. I
have recently been in contact with descendants and would like to add
their families to the long list of Bigelows.
Kathy Parkinson <
wraithp@charter.net >
This is the info I was looking for. Now I know why I have such a great
attraction to the town of Eagle Wisconsin, all of my mothers side of
the family came from there, and my Fathers side of the family
(Hartwell) had a summer home there for years. The pictures of the
Bigelow Headstone that I sent you is of this line of Bigelows. If
you are related to Isaac3, then we
may indeed be cousins. Thanks for the great website as I happily
found what I was looking for. Bill Hartwell
Franklin, b 30 Jan 1844; d 30 July 1864 Battle of Petersburgh;
From: "Mike Rice" < mrice4@wi.rr.com >
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 6:34 PM
Subject: Franklin Bigelow Civil War Soldier
Dear Rod, I've been doing research for a book for our Eagle Historical
on the men from Eagle Wisconsin in the American Civil War titled "Eagle
The Civil War - The Eagle Boys Are Well". We've recently received
several letters home from Eagle soldiers and one of them was from
Franklin Bigelow to his father Farrand on August 9 1862. I've attached
a transcribed copy
the original grammar he used. On your genealogy site, you have a
copy of a letter from Elverton Bigelow. Do have a copy of the original,
other letters, pictures, etc that would add to the historic record? I
including a transcribed copy of the letter we have from Franklin and
a copy of a deed for 80 acres
land purchased here in Eagle dated March 25, 1841 and signed by US
William Harrison. The Bigelow family has a great history in this area.
to hear from you soon,
Mike Rice, Historian
601 Old Prospectors Trail
Eagle, WI 53119
This is the letter
August the 9th 1862
Dear Father
We are in camp within 20 miles of Helena [Arkansas] and Gen curtis is
with forty thousand men and I think that we will joine him and march on
little rock, whare old hineman is reported to be. if he is thare
fortifications will get stormed it ante thought that he will stay at
rock and fight we will halve to follow them into texas and so on as
did old prise.
We got news last night that the god damd rebels had gon back into Mo
was just as bad as they was when we first went thare. it may take
back and if it does, we will halve to stay thare a good while.
father donte you let orfe inlist for of all plases in the world a
has the hardest I halve got broke in I can stand it now and the
is that thare will be some Drafting done. if thare is I would
bill to inlist then he can halve a chois of in the ofisers whitch
men don’t.
I hante got discouraged yet for I think that this ware ante a going to
more than a year at the out side and I donte know how they are a going
cery it on that long they cant after all of their nigers are
that is what made the ware last as long as it has for a long as the
and nigers can can be left unmolested they can rase enough to keep this
a going when these nigers are to work for as thare ante no white men to
the plantatons. thare is a plantation close here that has got 550
of corne and they had 600 last year and the corn was sent to
thare was 100 nigers left it it and gon to carts they took 100 mules 8
7000 lbs of bakin that will help a little. them nigers help in the
a goodele thy can cook and wash and if thare is eny nasty job to be
then the nigers do it.
the corn that is on this plantation will be gathered this faul by
for uncle Sam instead of the damd rebels. that is whare we can
the advantage of them. now take thare nigers away and it kill
in our reg thare is about 500 so you see thare wont be mutch work done
we halve ben. that is all that I can think of this time Write
and send me some po stamps from your ever true sone Franklin Bigelow
Deed for 80 acres
Modified - 01/26/2011
(c) Copyright 2011 Bigelow Society, Inc. All rights
Rod Bigelow - Director
Rod Bigelow (Roger Jon12 BIGELOW)
Box 13 Chazy Lake
Dannemora, N.Y. 12929
rodbigelow@netzero.net >