March 2002 Bulboard
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Subject: Minda Bigelow
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 21:54:10 -0800
From: Heidi Agin
Dear Rod,
While researching my Proctor line, I discovered a Bigelow connection.
It contains a previously unidentified child of Uriah Bigelow and Abigail
Pierce. I have included the info as an attachment. I look forward
to hearing from you.
Heidi Agin
Minda Bigelow
1. Minda Bigelow aka "Minde" was born 9 Mar 1752 in Norwich Twp,
New London, CT.
Reference: “Vital Recds. Of Norwich, 1659-1848.” Hartford, 1913.
Your site has been very helpful in my research, it's
very well set up. I will keep you updated as I work on Minda
... I have
found a citation which refers to her as Mindwell and have started to
some work under that name ... do you have any info that places a "Capt.
Bigelow" in Port Royal, Jamaica during the earthquake of 1692?
citation that I have names a Capt. Bigelow involved in rescue efforts
some sort. In the same breath, "the Captain's daughter, Mindwell
(Minde), married Reuben Proctor." By record this would be Uriah,
doesn't make sense ... I only have a snippet of the article and am
to track down the rest of it. Talk at you later.
see /rod/uria4682.htm for the
rest of info....................................ROD
Subject: Emma Innez
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 08:07:09 -0800
From: james o kellogg <>
I saw your message for Emma Inez Bigelow and the oops message. I would
like the information you have on her. I am related to Ebbin Monroe
who was married to Mary Gertrude Bigelow. My grandfather was John
Sherman Berry. He was the brother of Ebbin. I have been writing and
e-mailing to a Norma Brasher. Have you heard from her? Her grandparents
were Gert Bigelow and Ebb Berry. I would be happy to share any
information with you.
Thank You,
Carolee Kellogg
see /rod/dan83799.htm .................................ROD
Subject: John Bigelow Home
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 11:29:35 -0500
From: "John Buczek" < >
Found the attached picture on a post card. The card is posted
Sept 9, 1905 and is written to a Mr. L. B. Lawrence of
Northboro, Mass.
I thought that this may be of interest to you. I will send
a second email which I have scanned in what is written.
Both scans are at 150 dpi and the resolution is 300% so both
files are large, however you can reduce them I am sure.
I have added this to my web site on the history of Marlborough.
If you have any comments to add, I would appreciate them
so as I can add them to the site also.
............john buczek
see /rod/john3a.htm ...................................ROD
Subject: Benjamin BIGELOW
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 20:03:23 -0700
From: Allen Jess <>
In The Payzant and Allied Jess and Juhan Families in North America,
by Marion M.
Payzant, the children are listed as:
Luzana Ruth 1862-1953
Mary Blanche 1868-1942
Jonathan ????-1953 had a son Roy
Emma 1874-1953 d. in Seattle, WA
I am researching the descendants of Lisette Payzant and George Jess,
I would appreciate if you could give any insight of these four
compared to the
four children listed on your website.
Thank you.
Allen Jess
1011 Haythorne Road
Sherwood Park, AB T8A 1B4
Subject: Bigelow web page
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 12:54:10 -0600
From: "Janelle Dvorak" <>
I was doing some research on Libbie Howard Bigelow (my great
grandmother Francelia Bennett Clay was
her aunt) and ran across your webpage. Good work!
Janelle V. Dvorak
Subject: Indian oil bottle
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 08:28:01 EST
From: Ron Pene
Dear Rod:
As a young boy, living in Eastern Utah in the 1950's, there was very
little to do but roam the
desert, hunt rabbits and snakes. One summer I came across an old junk
pile, seems to have been
there for ever. The rest is history, I spent the rest of the summer
digging. I found some of the best
things to collect, among the treasures was a lot of old bottles.
One of my best bottles is the "HEALY & BIGELOW'S KICKAPOO INDIAN
OIL" bottle, about 5 1/2"
tall, round, with a base of about 1 1/4" across. Most of the cork is
still down in the bottle. This is
one of my best pieces, thanks for putting the history and information
on the internet, it is good to
research all of my collection.
Thanks Again
Ron Pene
see /rod8/cha83425.htm .............................................ROD
Subject: Ellen Bigelow
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 11:21:12 EST
From: Jane Longan
I am searching for an ancestor, Ellen Bigelow, born in
Plattsburgh, New
York (Clinton County) on May 2, 1855 who married Tilman Sears
in 1876. I am
interested in finding her parents' names. If you have any information
concerning these people I would greatly appreciate your help.
Thank you.
Jane Longan
Subject: Loren Bigelow
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 14:00:36 -0600
From: "B Slater" <>
Loren Bigelow, who is a Free Methodist elder, had five
Married Annie or Anna S. Harding Date of death: 19 Nov. 1876 at
the age of 26 6 mo.
Tombstone says – 28-7 mo’s-14 days /Place of death : Mundy Twp,
Genessee County Michigan
Birthplace: Pa. 8 Apr 1848
Married Loren Bigelow when she was 18 yrs old 31 May 1866
Died of Quick Consumption, please note she gave birth to twins 19 Nov
Emmet born 1868 died 12/02/1871 age 2 yr,10 mo.,
25 days
Elmer A. born Jan 5, 1872 married Doretha Graham 20 Mar 1910
Albert born Feb 1874
Franley/Francis Twins born 19 Nov 1876
3 marriage: Mary Pickett Jewett had a son by first marriage named Albert
Jewett born July 2 1872 died Sept 15, 1962 place
of death Flint.
Elmer Almond Bigelow had two daughters:
Marie Josephine Bigelow born 26 July 1910 died May 30 1953, died in
Ottawa Co Mi.
married Willard Hoskins they had 5 children all living
Edna Bigelow Simons, married Leo Simons, they had 9 children all living
now but one who died in an auto accident.
one of the daughters of Elmer:
Edna D. Simons
birth: 9 March 1912
death: 17 March 1972
died of Hodgekins Disease ( cancer)
Elisha G. Harding – native of Schoharie Cnty N.Y. Father
Born 15 Dec 1814
Married: Steuben Cnty N.Y.
Died 23 Aug 1859 age 44 yrs, 9 mo., 8 days
Asureth ( Burdick) Harding
Born 1823-24
She died 31 Jan 1893 69 yrs old in Venice Twp Shiawassee co,
Their children:
Merritt S. Harding, born in Bath Twp, Steuben County N.Y.
Hannah (widow of Jacob Bently) they had 5 children
E.W. ( married Mina Davidson)
Anna S or F. Harding- born 8 April 1848 married Loren Bigelow when she
was 18 yrs old. Married: 31 May 1866 died of
Quick Consumption 19 Nov 1876. 27 yrs old although this differs from
Headstone in cemetery. Please note she gave birth to
twins on this day.
Emma born 1855
Catherine 1857
see /rod8/lor83413.htm ............................................ROD
Subject: Poultney Bigelow
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 12:04:51 -0500
From: Jean Pike <>
Ric Dragon has sent me a copy of your e-mail concerning a talk at the
Ogdensburg Remington Museum on March 20th. I don't know if he
had the time
to answer you for he was to go out of town on a business trip but I
wanted you to know if I was closer I would surely be going to hear
I have "whiled" away some of my winter hours on reading of Remington
Poultney on such trips. At first I was trying to locate perhaps
Poultney would have done with his extensive collections of letters,
with Remington. I finally found that he must have donated this
to the St.
Lawrence University and it must have been in 1925. I really can't
any of the info. for they indicate it is for "LIB USE ONLY" located
in the
ODY Special Collections, Call # MSS. Coll. No. 008. Also, Poulteny
of these trips in "SEVENTY SUMMERS".
Have you researched St Lawrence University Library on the Bigelow family?
They indicate an entry dated 1890!
I do hope that you are able to tape the talk and I know you will enjoy
excursion.I was just rereading the article that Poultney wrote in "The
Quarterly Journal of the New York State Historical Assoc." in 1929
regarding Remington ( some extracts from unpublished letters) very
interesting. I,
also just came back from a walk around the ole Homestead - we had a
snow yesterday but the crocus and the tulips are coming up.
Jean Pike
Bigelow Homestead - Malden-on-Hudson, NY
see /rod8/poultney.htm ..........................................ROD
Subject: Prynthia Jane Bigelow
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 06:30:13 -0500
From: "Vernon F. Hall" < >
I just found your web pages, wished I had some time ago.
I am a descendent of George L and Betsey(Ames) Bigelow.
Her parents were: Lemuel and Hannah (Chamberlain)Ames. More directly,
I am descended from George's daughter,
Prynthia J. and her first husband, Truman L. Hopkins b. 1838 in West
Canada, son of Orrin W. and Sarah Hopkins who
died in Newaygo county 1892 and 1893 respectively. She had two maybe
three sons with Truman, Charles b. 1869 (from
whom I'm descended) an Edwin A. and a Norman E. . At one point
I thought one, but I've found evidence for both Edwin
and Norman. My research is not yet finished.
I just wanted to drop you this quick line and will send more
detailed info next week. I would like to know though, where you found
the information on the death of Prynthia, I've been looking for the last
8 years.
I got an email from a lady who mentions that George L. also fathered
some Indian children. And of course there are several Native American names
in Newaygo county in the early censuses, and in the townships where our
Bigelows are, so I wouldn't be surprised. I'm going to go through my notes
and share with you the info that I've gathered on my Bigelows. When I began
the search, I only had my great grand father's birthdate and place. The
breakthrough came when I contacted the White Cloud HS including a $20 check
and received back the guardianship papers for Charles and his brother Edwin.
Inasmuch as Truman had served in the 9th Ohio Cav Volunteers, his children
were entitled to a $200 bounty upon his early death in 1872 (killed by
a falling tree) In that document, it told that Charle's mother's name plus
his maternal grandfather (George L.) who is named as guardian. George L.
was listed in the Bigelow Genealogy and that's how I found a lot of my
Bigelow ancestry.
I've also been in touch with another descendant of Pryntha's by her
second husband, C. Howard. I say "C." because I've found several different
first names for him, all begining with "C". The record is somewhat confusing
because there is another C. Howard at the same time who was born in England.
He, however, married a Kimball. There seems to be another error regarding
the sister of Pryntha, Hannah Almira. It shows her death date as the same
as Pryntha's. I don't have my notes, but I believe that is very incorrect.
Pryntha and Hannah did not die on the same day. She remarried after Amos
Lampman died in 1907. I will check and get the correct date, if it is in
the record. I have all the microfilm for Newaygo county at our local FHC
and will check on this Thursday. Found references to my Bigelows in the
aforementioned microfiche at FHC including two letters and a story on Bigelow
Creek in MI. These "Forge" articles were done some time ago, and it would
be interesting to see if later issues had any information.
Vern Hall
see /rod7/geo74626.htm ........................................ROD
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 13:34:20 -0800 (PST)
From: jessica vespa <>
YOur having a bit o trouble with your web page!!!!!! I
was just looking for any public records for
Hubbardston Mass or any geneolgy info canya give me
pointers? Ty Jessica Scott
Subject: Hi There
Date: 20 Mar 2002 20:57:48 -0700
From: "Larry David" <>
Hi Rod,
I see your name on the Bigalow family page. Gussie May Bigalow
was my
grandmother. Are we related?
Larry David
Subject: Philemon Wright
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 14:49:03 EST
From:Jane Wright
where did you do your search? Somewhere here I have an article
published in the Ottawa Citizen some time ago, and it tracks Philimon's
journey up to Canada.
I also know that up to a few years ago, the owners of his farm, had
it on the market, but they wanted to be careful who bought it because it
still had some of the original farm equipment.
I will try and look into this further, in this area every year, they
have "Lumber Baron Days', and a great many of the "Baron"s" family's
meet. They do come from near and far.
They have compiled a great history, of all of the families involved
in developing this area. As a matter of fact, if you can prove your
ancestry, you can enter all of the exibits for free. I have never
gone, but apperently it is great fun.
This festival happens in a small community near Ottawa, called Renfrew.
You have really peaked my interest in the subject matter, so I will
continue to search and let you know what I find.
By the way, the Govt. of Canada has some good information on their
web site - keyword "archives"
Thanks again
Jane Wright
Subject: Rebecca BIGELOW
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 18:04:37 -0800
From: "Marcia Maloney" <>
I wonder why Cyrus Kingsbury, son of Rebecca is not listed in Bigelow
records. He was born in Keene in 1799. He has many descendants.
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 3:21 PM
Subject: Rebecca BIGELOW
see /rod/reb54243.htm ............................................ROD
Subject: Susan Bigelow and William R. Rand
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 22:54:54 -0600
From: "Susan B. Naumann" <>
I am searching for the parents of my g. g. grandmother, Susan Bigelow (middle
initial may have
been "E"). According to
OH census records, she was born in 1824, Baldwinsville, NY. She married
William R. Rand (son of Daniel
Rand whose father was Daniel Rand of Harvard, MA).William R.
Rand's mother was Lois E. Tanner.
Children of William R. & Susan (Bigelow) Rand: Alfred Thomas
Rand, born March 12, 1844, Baldwinsville,
NY (my g. grandfather)Alvira Rand, born about
1846, Baldwinsville, NYOtis B.
Rand, born about 1849, Baldwinsville, NY Later children, prob.
born in OH: Alice Y. Rand, Ellen
Rand, Willard "Willis" Rand and Fred G. Rand This family moved to
OH where, in 1850, they were living
in the home of William's parents, Daniel & Lois Rand (according
to the 1850 census of Vienna,
Trumbull Co., OH, District 142). Naturally, my first thought was that
Susan Bigelow's father must have
been Otis Bigelow of Baldwinsville, NY. The fact that she
named a son Otis served to bolster
my theory. Unfortunately, there seems to be no record of her
birth. Any help will be tremendously
appreciated! Many thanks in advance to anyone willing to offer
suggestions or supply information.
Susan Bentley Naumann45 Apple Tree LaneWallingford, CT
06492 E-Mail:
Otis may have been brother born in Portageville area not far from Leicester,
Livingston co,
NY where John Porter, another brother was
born. Baldwinsville is further north near
Rochester, NY.
15331.14 Daniel
Children of Daniel and Betsy (Ferguson) Bigelow, all born NY state and
ages of some estimated from 1850 census
consequently the numbering may be out of order for an individual:
15331.141 Gilbert E., b 1818; was Speaker of
Assembly, Dakota; 1874 and 1880 res. of Vermillion, Clay, SD.
15331.142 Otis, b 24 Aug 1819 Portage; d
13 Sept 1877 IA; m 29 May 1873 Mrs. Alvira Odessa (Deuel)
Gordon; res. IA; 2 children.
Children of Joseph (John) and Statira ( __ ) Bigelow:
15337.111t Otis, b 24 Aug 1819 Portage (Portageville,
NY)(see below), NY; d 15 Sept 1877 Strawberry Pt.,
IA; m 29 May 1873 Alvira O. (Deuel) Gordon.
Can you find out which family he really belongs to?
Thanks again. Susan
also see link below............ROD
Subject: Bigelow/Bowen/Fowler
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 15:27:18 +0000
From: "Randy Reckeweg" <>
My name is Annette Reckeweg, my husband is Randy. Researching
his gen.
I've discovered your web site, very nice! Henry Bowen married Lydia
dau. of Abigail Bigelow and Dijah Fowler. Henry Bowen is Randy's ggggg
grandfather. Iwould like to thank you very much for your information
and I
to will send you any information you need that I can give if You wish.
Annette Reckeweg, Cooperstown, NY
see /rod/abigal4a.htm ..........................................ROD
Subject: oops
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 17:08:37 -0800
I was attempting to go to
Alice Bigelow daughter of Asa Elijah Bigelow and got you oops message.
see /rod8/ali8734c.htm ...............................ROD
Subject: James Bigelow and Mary Stuart
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2002 23:41:00 -0600
From: "Elaine Bigelow" <>
I have been researching without much luck. I am trying to find
a connection between these bigelows and the bigelows on your page.
They were supposed to have originated from Scotland and landed in Valdore
Quebec. My father-in-law Stanley Nelson Bigelow was born in Wawa Ontario,
(siblings: Ernest, Gladys, Janet, Hazel and Cecil), his parents were supposed
to be Stuart and Bigelow from Wawa, or even Cochrane Ontario. His
mothers name was Grace and fathers name was Nelson or Stanley. A
Bigelow family member, sister Glady's or Janet was supposed to have done
a crest, clan and genealogy trace which went from Wawa to Quebec to Scotland.
The Bigelow and Stuart lines were supposed to have crossed over either
in Scotland or in Quebec where they were actually distant cousins who married
and all can be traced back to Stuarts in Scotland, I have never been able
to reach the people who might have this information. I once saw a
genealogy tree paper of this search (back in the days when I was too young
to be interested in more than surviving with my family). Nelson's
wife Helena (Recker) was supposed to have submitted information to Pat
Bigelow in Alaska, I actually telephone Pat, a very sweet lady, many years
back and talked to her and she said they she could never connect these
Bigelows to the Bigelow Society. Is there any way to find out if
Pat might have received the family tree record I speak about and have it
put it in "an unfulfilled Bigelow traces file" with your organization.
Can you provide me with a direction to go in next? I surely appreciate
any assistance from you or your readers. The reason I left out crucial
information like dates, birthdays, etc are, I don't have any, anything
I provide would be guesswork. The only date I can provide without
error is this: Nelson Stanley Bigelow and Helena Recker were married
in St. Theresa's Church in Windsor, Ontario in 1948, I believe it was an
RC church because their children were all baptized RC. Oh yes, one
more important fact - Stanley Nelson Bigelow was a Baptist, the family
was believed to have been Baptist as well when they lived in
Nelson Stanley Bigelow and his spouse Helena Recker has died,
as well, their son Ronald has also died.
I will send you my own grandchildren's information as well, (their
father was Douglas, deceased). Ernest, brother of Nelson Stanley
has also passed away. (I will be sending this page on to Ernest and
Dorothy's son so that they may fill in the blanks on dates for Ernest's
Elaine Bigelow
Winnipeg Canada
Subject: Elizabeth (Fife) Bigelow
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 00:28:06 EST
From: Paul Huey
I notice in the charts in your Bigelow Family Site a reference to
Elizabeth Fife, who died in 1846. I am curious about your information
Eliphaz Bigelow, whose first wife was Elizabeth Fife. I have
an ancestor
named Elizabeth Fife who came to America, but I don't even have her
name. Elizabeth married John Somerville, and their daughter Rebecca
1786) married my ancestor, Andrew Huey of Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
My Elizabeth (Fife) Somerville was born in 1754 and died in 1847 and
buried in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
You mention also that your Eliphaz Bigelow resided
in Huntingdon County,
Pennsylvania, so there must surely be a connection between these Elizabeth
Fifes. When did Eliphaz Bigelow marry Elizabeth Fife? Were
there children?
Who were Elizabeth's parents? I believe the 1830 census of Huntingdon
lists a James Fife family, though I know nothing about them.
In fact I know
nothing at all about Elizabeth (Fife) Somerville except that she lived
years, and she came from North Ireland. She also had Somerville
who lived on the Brandywine in northern Delaware.
Paul Huey
Cohoes, N.Y.
Rod Bigelow (Roger Jon12 BIGELOW)
P.O. Box 13 Chazy Lake
Dannemora, N.Y. 12929