Royal Gilbert 10 BIGELOW

16313.37321 Royal Gilbert 10
Bigelow, son of George
Gilbert 9 ( George W. 8 , Timothy7 , Timothy 6 , Amasa 5 , David 4 , Lt. John 3 , Joshua 2, John 1), and Eliza
(HOWELL) BIGELOW, was born at Gill's Pier, MI on 06 June 1883. On
06 June 1917, he married Helen Marie Wyatt. He appears to have
entered WWI in 1918 (see above)
Children of Royal Gilbert and Helen (Wyatt) Bigelow.
16313.373211 Janet Ruth, b 19 Feb
1926 Evanston, IL; d _____ ; m
16313.373212t George Gilbert, b 04 Feb
1930 Evanston, IL; d _____ ; m 11 Apr 1954 Joan M. Wiles; (pic below)
The Bigelow Family Genealogy, Volume II, page 495 ;
Howe, Bigelow Family of America;
Royal Gilbert 10 Bigelow, b June 6, 1888, in Gill's
Pier, MI; d ____ ; m 06 June 1917 Helen Marie Wyatt; 2 children:
-Janet Ruth Bigelow, b 19 Feb 1926 Evanston,
IL; d __ ;
-George Gilbert Bigelow, b 04 Feb 1930
Evanston, IL; d ____ ; m Joan M. Wiles; child Robert, b 1954 Chicago (see below)
Wedding photo of George Gilbert
Bigelow, wife Joan M.
Parents: Royal Gilbert and Helen (Wyatt) Bigelow on April 11 1954
G. Bigelow in 1957; George G. Bigelow taken about 1995

Joan M. Bigelow with daughter
Barbara, and Helen Wyatt Bigelow taken 1958

George G. Bigelow 1953
Subject: George
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 08:35:13 -0800 (PST)
From: shelly bigelow < >
Hello, my name is Michelle Bigelow, and I am 19 years old. I live
in California and was checking
out the internet. I have always wondered where the name Bigelow came
from. Some people say
that it is English, and some say that it is Indian. Yet I am not sure.
It has always been a goal of
mine to figure out where I am from. I don't really know the names of
my Great Grandparents, so
it is hard for me to find out if anyone on your web site is a start to
my family line. I do however
know that my father is Robert Bigelow, born in 1954 in Chicago. His
parents are George and
Joan. This is all the information that I know right now. If there is
anyway that you can tell me
anything, it would be greatly appreciated. I will try to find out more
information. If you dont
have any information, please atleast write me back so that I know that
you got this. Thank you
very much!
**Michelle Bigelow**
(see above)
Thank You so much. That is my Grandfather, and Great Grandfather. It's
nice to
know where i am from. I have two brothers. Dan, who is 22, and Mike who
is 17. What a
thrill!!!! Thank you so very much.
Subject: Howell and Gill
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 17:40:53 -0700
From: "Lynn Gill" < >
I intersect with the Bigelow family in the Howell and Gill lines, and
can provide additional details (if you want to go up or down those
paths). Wilburforce Gill was an interesting guy, his father William
Gill was
one of the first settlers of Northport in 1854, and the family became
in mercantile and lumber businesses. I unfortunately descend from
younger brother Thomas (the poor Gills!). It's fun to have a place
Gill's Pier, in Leelanau County where I grew up. It was pronounced
and I didn't realize there was a Gill in their until I first saw it on
map!! Two Howell bothers married two Gagnon brothers. My
grandmother was a Gagnon
Modified - 12/02/2011
(c) Copyright 2011 Bigelow Society, Inc. All rights
Rod Bigelow - Director
Rod Bigelow (Roger Jon 12 Bigelow)
Box 13 Chazy Lake
Dannemora, N.Y. 12929