John Allen 8 BIGELOW
15198.132 John Allen 8
BIGELOW, son of Jotham 7
( Abel 6 , Josiah 5 , Jotham 4, John 3, Samuel
2, John 1) and
Esther Susan (MONTAGUE) BIGELOW, was born at West
Bloomfield, Oakland, MI on 16 September 1839. In the Zion church at
Pontiac, MI, he married Isabel Whitehead - 24 May 1864/6. She was
the daugher of Almaron and Ann (Mais) Whitehead and born at
Waterford, MI on 07 June 1844. John Allen served in the Union Army during the Civil War (see below)
and lost an arm as a result. He was also wounded four times. At the
close of the war, he was appointed postmaster at Birmingham, MI
until 1884. He was elected County Treasurer from 1885 to 1889. Both died at Birmingham - she on 25 March 1925 and he on 04
October of the same year.
Children of John A. and Isabel (Whitehead) Bigelow, all born at
15198.1321t Mortimer Osborne, b 05 Nov
1870 Birmingham, Oakland County, MI; d 11 Dec 1934 (aged 64)
Imperial Beach, San Diego County, CA; m (1) 1899 Martha Agnes
Hennessy (1871-1901), m (2) 1909 Elizabeth Simpson; res. NY; 1
child.(see below)
15198.1322t Bertha Alliene; b 24 June
1875 Birmingham, MI; d 10 Nov 1963 (aged 88) Royal Oak, Oakland
County, MI; m 25 Sept 1902 Irwin R. Neff; res. Birmingham;
2 children. (see below)
15198.1323t Elizabeth Eloise "Bessie",
b 25 Nov 1879 Birmingham, MI; d 14 Feb 1979 (aged 92) ; m (1) 1910
Timothy Reynolds Donovan (1867-1931), m (2) John Graham
(1905-1986); 2 children. (see below)
Bigelow Family Genealogy Vol II , p 335;
Howe, Bigelow Family of America;
Correspondence between Bigelow Society historian/genealogist and
family members.
New Note 2023
Captain J. Allen Bigelow, a Civil War
veteran and grandfather of the late TV personality Mort Neff,
was instrumental in obtaining the Confederate cannon which was
supported on a custom made cement base. The cannon was melted down
during World War II, but the cement base can still be seen on the
BIRMINGHAM HISTORICAL MUSEUM's lawn at the corner of Southfield
and Maple. It is very obvious since it still bears a "FORT MORGAN"
Michigan Volunteers 1861 -1865:
Allen, East Bloomfield. Enlisted in company G. First Cavalry, as
Bugler, Aug. 13, 1861, at Pontiac, for 3 years, age 22. Mustered
Sept. 7, 1861. Paroled prisoner. Honorably discharged at
Washington, DC, June 16, 1862. Re-entered service. Enlisted in
company A, Fifth Cavalry, as Bugler, Aug. 26, 1862, at East
Bloomfield. Mustered Aug. 26, 1862. Cheif Bugler Nov. 1, 1862.
Honorably discharge to accept promotion Jan. 25, 1864.
Commissioned Second Lieutenant, company E, Aug. 18, 1863.
Mustered Jan. 26, 1864. Wounded in action at Winchester, VA,
Sept. 19, 1864. Commissioned First Lieutenant Oct. 27, 1864.
Mustered Dec. 19, 1864. Brevet Captain, U.S. Volunteers, March
13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war.
Honorably discharged for disability April 5, 1865, on account of
wounds received in action. Present residence Birmingham, Mich.

Greenwood Cemetery; Birmingham,
Oakland County, MI

Isabel Obituary

Holy Cross Cemetery; San Diego, San Diego County, CA
Mortimer Osborne, b 05 Nov 1870 Birmingham, Oakland County,
MI; d 11 Dec 1934 (aged 64) Imperial Beach, San Diego County, CA; m
(1) 08 Feb 1899 Martha Agnes Hennessy in Manhattan, NY,
NY(1871-1901), m (2) 1909 Elizabeth Simpson; res. NY; 1 child:
Catherine Bradley Bigelow, b 18 Nov 1901 Manhattan; d. 19 Feb 1997,
Spokane, Spokane, Wash; m. Dr. Josef William Rochlitzer, Esq, b. 09
Dec 1888, Gratz, Styria, Austria; d 26 Oct 1948, Goleta, Santa
Barbara, CA

Bertha (Bigelow) and Irwin Neff Greenwood Cemetery;
Birmingham, Oakland County, MI
Bertha Alliene; b 24 June 1875 Birmingham, MI; d 10 Nov 1963
(aged 88) Royal Oak, Oakland County, MI; m 25 Sept 1902 Irwin R.
Neff; res. Birmingham; 2 children: Mortimer Allen “Mort” Neff
and Irwin Hoffman Neff Jr.

Elizabeth Eloise "Bessie", b 25 Nov 1879 Birmingham, MI; d 14
Feb 1979 (aged 92) ; m (1) 1910 Timothy Reynolds Donovan
(1867-1931), m (2) Graham John Graham (1905-1986); 2 children.

"Elizabeth Graham"
"Graham J. Graham"
Elizabeth and Graham buried in Greenwood Cemetery; Birmingham,
Oakland County, MI Timothy buried St. Mary's cem. Lynn,
Essex County, MA
John W. Coumoundouros < >
I am researching the history of our subdivision here in Waterford,
Michigan. A vital part of that history is the first and second
owners of the farm that became the sub. Almeron Whitehead
was the first resident of the farm. One of his daughters married
John Allen Bigelow, who not only was a civil war hero but was said
to own a dry goods store.
The second owner of the farm, George Henry
Kimball, was from the Boston area. Mr. Kimball speaks in his
autobiography about working in a dry goods store in the Boston area
owned by a Bigelow as a young man in the 1865 era. I am wondering if
there is a connection here between Mr. Kimball and perhaps a
relative of John Allen Bigelow who owned the store in Massachusetts?
Here is the relevant section of my history regarding John Allen
Bigelow and Isabel Whitehead for your review. Please let me know of
any errors!
Isabel Whitehead Bigelow—June 17, 1844 – March 25, 1925
Isabel married John Allen Bigelow on May 24, 1864. Chapman
writes: “John Allen Bigelow had few educational advantages in his
youth. He lost the use of his left hand as a carpenter and then
embarked in a mercantile business for himself. The following August,
the martial spirit of his Revolutionary grandfather, and his own
loyalty and patriotism induced him to dispose of his store and to
enlist in Company G, 1st Reg., Michigan Vol. Cav., then forming,
going out as bugler.
“Mr. Bigelow remained with his regiment until the retreat of General
Banks down the Shenandoah Valley. On May 23, 1862, he was made
prisoner. After 10 days, however, he managed to escape and with 72
companions captured a train and ran it from Martinsburg to Harper's
Ferry. This action caused their arrest by order of General Crawford,
and they were sent to Washington. There, discipline was somewhat
relaxed, and the party was detailed to go to work on fort building.
“This, however, did not appeal to Mr. Bigelow's sense of right, and
he protested, successfully, that he had entered the army as a
cavalryman, and was sustained in his contention by Secretary of War
Stanton, being honorably discharged June 16, 1862. On the 13th of
the following August, Mr. Bigelow re-enlisted, entering the 5th
Michigan Reg., Vol. Cav., under the name of John Allen, and in the
following November was made chief bugler. In the spring of 1863, the
famous Michigan cavalry brigade was formed, and in June, General
Copeland was relieved and General Custer placed in command. From
this time on until his final discharge, Mr. Bigelow (Allen)
participated in all the hazardous campaigns in which his regiment
won glory, and he was the first man to use a sabre, the incident
taking place June 30th at Littlestown, Pennsylvania. On August 8,
1863, his gallantry was rewarded by promotion to the rank of
lieutenant and until April 1, 1864, he was engaged in recruiting. On
May 4, 1864, he crossed the Rapidan in advance of his brigade, and
this event inaugurated the Wilderness campaign[1]. General Sheridan
oversaw the cavalry at Petersburg. In August 1864, it will be
recalled, the cavalry corps was sent to the Shenandoah Valley
against General Early; in the charge at Opequan, a bullet struck
Lieut. John Allen (Bigelow), which shattered his left elbow bone,
necessitating a field amputation, an operation of such anguish that
we, of these days of merciful anesthetics, shudder to recall. This
injury kept the brave soldier at Winchester until Christmas, 1864,
and then he came home, only to endure a second and, later, a third
operation on the remains of his once strong left arm. Indeed, during
the never-to-be-forgotten winter of 1864-65, the poor lacerated
stump was in such a condition that the artery would not grow
together, and for 50 agonizing days and nights, the artery was held
by faithful friends, to prevent the suffering patient from bleeding
to death. However, Nature finally came to his relief, and the arm,
although it still does and always will trouble him, has not
interfered with his successfully holding many offices of trust and
responsibility and his filling them with the same fidelity with
which he served his country on the battlefield.
He was wounded five different times but never consented to leave his
regiment until the injury just mentioned. Among the many adventures
in which he displayed personal bravery was one night when, in
company with Lieut. Percy Leggett[2] (Mortimer Leggett’s brother),
he recrossed the Rappahannock River and brought some prisoners from
General Hood's army. Lieut. John Allen (Bigelow) was discharged
April 15, 1865, having taken part in 84 battles and skirmishes with
the Michigan Cavalry Brigade.”[3]
At the close of the war, John Bigelow was appointed postmaster of
Birmingham, Michigan. He was elected County Treasurer from 1885 to
1889.[4] He will become executor of Almeron’s estate in 1883.
John and Isabel’s son, Colonel Mortimer O.
Bigelow, graduated from West Point and was commanding officer of
164th Depot Brigade at Funston Kansas in August 1917.[5] He served
in World War One and ultimately retired from the U.S. army.
Isabel's grandson, Mortimer "Mort" Neff
(1903-1990), was the original host of "Michigan Outdoors", a
popular Detroit area TV show.

Rod Bigelow
Box 13 Chazy Lake
Dannemora, N.Y. 12929